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Des infos en provenance du Népal

communication HSF

Décembre 2016

Le Rotary Club de Patan nous écrit :

Rotary & Hôpital Sans Frontière Belgium-Luxemburg joining hands.

The HSF (Hôpital Sans Frontière) Hospital without Borders and local Rotary Clubs of Belgium and Luxembourg donated a container full of medical equipment to the Kirtipur hospital. The shipment included useful items such as HSF Hospi-kits (a tank full of surgery and obstetric equipment) and HSF Dispensary-kits (a backpack full of first aid material for the field).

The RC Patan acted as facilitator to get the shipment from Belgium to Nepal. A team of Rotarians from the RC Patan and the Kirtipur hospital gathered for the official opening of the container. Thank you HSF and Rotary!

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